We asked Carolyn, Author and Founder of Cherish Me Journals a few questions about her hair journey so far!
Can you relate?
What hair type are you?
I have a mixed hair type. I love the feel of my hair, the way it can change from tight curls after a few days. I love it in its natural state; I can't imagine it any other way. I have so much love for my kinks and for me it's about self acceptance and embracing my authentic self.
What race are you?
I have an afro-Caribbean background
What is your first hair memory?
My childhood memories of my hair experience have been generally positive. I used to dread wash day because I had a lot of hair and mum would wash it as though washing clothes! then she would drape the back of her hand in hair oil and apply it to my hair. She didn't have a hair dryer so for most of the time it was towel dried, which , what felt to me to be the entire afternoon. As a young girl, I used to have one of 3 hairstyles, 3 large plaits, 2 plaits or a bun; al with pretty ribbons. I remember being sat at mother's knees every Saturday afternoon, having my hair done.
What hair style was your favourite growing up?
Growing up I enjoyed having my hair in two stand twists. I still love it now and there weren't many styles I didn't like when I was younger.

How old were you when you started doing your own hair?
I think I started to do my own hair around the age of 14 years old and it was total liberation that I was able to gauge the combing, so that I felt little pain. I didn't experiment with different hairstyles much. I mainly had 2 cornrows or plaits pinned up. Occasionally I would have it pressed (hot iron combed) for special occasions.
Can you share a hair story with us?
I was born with a thick head of hair and as I got older, my mum would be advised by family members to perm my hair. Those particular family members felt that because my hair was so thick, having a perm would help my mom manage it better. I loved my mum's encouragement about having natural hair and because of her I believe my hair is my crown. I have been natural all of my life! and never looked back. I didn't experiment much with styles and I usually had two strand twists. I have very rarely been to hair salons and I suppose this has been because at the time, I found them to be discouraging when it came to having natural hair. Now I marvel at the many natural hair salons that have emerged in the UK. Overtime natural hair has gained greater significance and there has been a surge of women 'returning' to their natural hair. I currently do workshops for young girls in raising their self esteem and one of the sessions include cherishing their hair. Every time I do this it reminds every girl just how special and beautiful their natural hair really is.
I had a positive experience about having natural hair. I think it was because my mother who is totally natural and to this day continues to speak positively about having natural hair. She only had her hair pressed and curled for special occasions.
My message to all girls is to love every strand of your hair, it's a crown given to you from God.

You can find out more about Carolyn via the links below:
Carolyn Clarke
Derbyshire Inspirational Woman Award 2017
Womanhood Global 2016
Author and Published Cherish Me Journals
Instagram: Carolyn_cherishme
Love your article
Really inspired by your work with young people
Best wishes in all you do
Many congratulations my neighbourhood friend
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